Wednesday 11 May 2011

Home Made Strawberry Marmalade (Light)

Today i decided to make Strawberry Marmalade because it is the season that the strawberries grow! So, i went to the market and i bought a packet of fresh strawberries. To do this recipe you will need:

Sugar or suclarose or both
Vanilla in powder or in liquid form

The original recipes says that if you have 500 grams of straws you will need 250 grams of sugar, but i think this is way too much! So in my light recipe i used:

500 grams of strawberries
10 teaspoons of white sugar
10 suclarose sweetener pills or 4-5 teaspoons of suclarose powder
half a teaspoon vanilla

Wash the strawberries very well cut out the leafs and put them in a pot (not a huge pot a medium size). Add the sugar and the suclarose and the vanilla. Cook them until you see that the mixture is thick and also don't forget to stir once in a while! If you see a bubbly pink thing on your pot you can remove it! Although it's nothing! I say to remove it so that you won't see it in your container (see last photo of the pink bubbly thing). I like to put the strawberries without chopping them in small pieces, but if you like you can chop them! When it is thick you can take the pot off the fire. While cooking the recipe take a glass container and wash it very good. Then boil some water and when the water is very hot pour it into the glass container and in it's lid in order to somehow sterilize it. Leave the glass container to dry. When your jam is ready pour it into the container and leave the lid a little open until the jam is cold! Then you can put it in the freezer!

The sugar in this recipe acts as a preservative! If you put 250gams of sugar your jam may lasts a year! But come on.. who keeps a jam in their freezer for a year! Nobody! Everyone loves jam! I like to put less sugar and it lasts me for a month! The color is great and the taste is great and your house is going to smell so beautiful! I wonder why people buy jams when it is so easy to make... And why some companies put chemical preservatives in them and color!

Hope you like it!

Photos from my htc phone (because camera battery died):

My marmalade with some home made bread and butter! :)

A Strawberry! This is how it is supposed to look! Yum!

My pot!


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