Tuesday 31 July 2012

Phyto Phytophanere Supplement for thicker hair and stronger nails

So.. This summer my hair are falling like crazy. Maybe because i am i little bit stressed? Maybe it's my diet? I don't know. So, i decided to go to the pharmacy and check out some products or vitamins for hair loss. I read in a few articles that Iron, and B12 defficiency may cause hair loss. I have Iron and B12 deficiency since i was 15! I have taken lots of vitamins and stuff and finally this winter i managed to get the iron and B12 levels in a good balance. Maybe i have a deficiency again?? Maybe i should do some more tests.

The phamasist suggested me to take a vitamin supplement called Phyto Phytophanere. It was very expensive compared to other vitamins but they had sales so let's say that the price was OK. It normally costs around 40 euros and i bought it 30. It contains 120 capsules and these last for 2 months. The suggested dose is 2 capsules per day. Compared to the other vitamins for hair loss it contains more capsules and it lasts longer so i guess the price was ok.

Phyto - Phytophanere
Phyto - Phytophanere

I didn't know the brand so when i returned home i googled and i found that it's a French brand and i also found many results on how effective this product is... I don't know, time will tell... I am using it for 2 weeks now.. At the end of August or the begging of September i will tell you my results. I think that my nails are getting stronger but i never had a problem with my nails, i am just trying to avoid the hair loss and i want my hair to grow longer faster (althought the products is not about growing hair faster, but healthier hair).

Bellow i am going to write to you some parts from the leaflet inside the package of the product.

"Phytophanere complement your daily nutritional diet, working as a food supplemet. Phytophanere  provides t he vitamins and the essential fatty acids needed for beautiful healthy hair and nails. 

Vitamin E - α-TOCOPHEROL: Wheat germ oil is a natural source of α-TOCOPHEROL (vitamin E). Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant found in essential fatty acids. 
γ-ORYZANOL: It is a protective agent for both essential fatty acids and delicate vitamins, which are antioxidants and free radial scavengers. 
Essential Fatty Acids: These fatty acids are called "essentials" since they are not produced by the human body but they must be supplied through a balanced diet. 
Essential Fatty Acids in Phytophanere come from two sources: 
  • Borage Oil which is extracted from the seeds is a source of Linoleic Acid and γ-Linoleic essential fatty acids. Borage seed oil is remarkable for its high  γ-Linoleic acid content, a precursor of prostaglandines which are essential for the healthy functioning of cells.
  • Fish Oil, extracted from cold water fish, due to the particular metabolism of these fishes, is rich in essential fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid, precursor of specific prostaglandines Omega 3 and Omega 6. These are the ingredients that balance and regulate the function of the skin. 
Brewer's Yeast: The Brewer's Yeast is a major source of B vitamins. These B vitamins, especially Biotin (Vitamin B8), Phantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) and Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) are essential for the production of sebum which is necessary for the beauty as well as the suppleness of hair and nails. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) is well known because it is indispensable for the production of energy. In addition, there are specific components in Brewer's Yeast such as sulfured amino acids (Cysteine) necessary to the natural balance and the beauty of hair. "

Bellow i am showing you a picture of my hair in order to compare it with the picture at the end of my treatment. I just dyed my hair so we are going to see my roots! :)
Has anyone tried this product? What are your impressions on this??

My Hair

Product Website: http://www.phyto.com/


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