Friday 27 July 2012

Dead Man's Bones - In The Room You Sleep [Ryan Gosling - Zach Shields]

Hello ladies and gents...

I have a little surprise for those of you that you don't know it already!
Ryan Gosling  is in a band with Zach Shields called Dead Man's Bones. I am amazed of how talented they are and i didn't know that Mr. Gosling had this tasted in music. I like it! The sound is amazing and i really like the vocals and this Halloween-creepy feeling... The have released only one album in 2009 and i suggest that you check the songs.. They are all sooooo good. 

Come on Dead Man's Bones! I WANT MORE!

I'm posting some of my favourites.. Actually all the album is a fav!

Dead Man's Bones - In The Room You Sleep 

Dead Man's Bones - Lose Your Soul


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